Our Services

Supervision for Social Workers

Supportive, professional sessions where you can discuss case direction, de-brief critical incidents, explore the impact of client issues and the work environment on your own health and wellbeing, receive support in dealing with difficult team members or management structures, learn new skills and approaches in Social Work practice.

  • Individual sessions (1 hour).

  • Small group session (1.5 hours).

Sessions with Aimee Morgan Supervision and Consultation are tax deductible and count towards your continued professional development hours.

For pricing enquires or to book a session please Contact Us.

Find out more About Aimee.

Read the Testimonials.

Supervision and Consultation for Allied Health Workers, Chaplains and Teachers

Supportive, professional sessions where you can discuss case direction, the impact of client/student issues on your own health and wellbeing, de-brief critical incidents, receive support in dealing with difficult students, team members or management structures, discover how work place stress is affecting you and learn new skills to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

  • Individual sessions (1 hour).

  • Small group sessions (1.5 hours).

Sessions with Aimee Morgan Supervision and Consultation may be tax deductible and count towards your continued professional development hours. Check with your employer or professional body.

For pricing enquires or to book a session please Contact Us.

Find out more About Aimee.

Read the Testimonials.

Consultation and Support for People Wanting to Improve Their Capacity or Experiencing Work-Place Difficulties

Supportive sessions conducted by an experienced, professional Social Worker. Issues you may like to discuss include: Feeling anxious and unsettled at work; Conflict with team members, staff or management; Work place stress impacting your ability to function well at work and/or home; Work-life balance; Develop new strategies for coping with high pressure or stressful work environments.

  • Individual sessions (1 hour).

  • Small group sessions (1.5 hours).

Sessions with Aimee Morgan Supervision and Consultation may be tax deductible and may count towards your continued professional development hours. Check with your employer or professional body.

For pricing enquires or to book a session please Contact Us.

Find out more About Aimee.

Read the Testimonials.

Support for Pastors and People Working in a Church Ministry Environment

Supportive and caring sessions designed to allow you to freely and confidentially discuss personal, faith or work place challenges. Session are provided free from any denominational connection and are independent of specific churches or ministries.

Issues you may wish to discuss include: Dealing with challenging pastoral team dynamics; Responding well to difficult congregation members; How being a woman in ministry impacts others’ expectations and responses to your work; How to decipher between, and respond appropriately to, helpful and destructive feedback; Needing a safe space to discuss doubt and faith based questions; How to care for yourself as well as others; How to continue ministering effectively while struggling; Putting appropriate boundaries in place.

  • Individual sessions (1 hour).

Sessions with Aimee Morgan Supervision and Consultation may be tax deductible and may count towards your continued professional development hours. Check with your employer or professional body.

For pricing enquires or to book a session please Contact Us.

Find out more About Aimee.

Read the Testimonials.

Free Content, Tips and Resources

Visit our Instagram page: @aimeemorgan_sc.


Further topics you may wish to cover in your session, professional development or training include:

  • Working with difficult clients.

  • Getting to the ‘heart’ of client concerns: How to have a clear picture of what is actually happening in complex and challenging situations.

  • How to challenge clients, colleagues, managers or employees effectively and respectfully.

  • How to confront unethical or abusive workplace practices.

  • Establishing professional and personal boundaries.

  • How to have difficult conversations respectfully, in the work place and in your personal life.

  • Case direction, including how to move forward with a case when you feel ‘stuck’.

  • Self-care in the midst of a challenging work situation.

  • Improving your client assessment and interviewing skills.

  • Identifying, and support to resolve, personal issues affecting your work life

  • Knowing when it is time to leave a job.

  • How to leave a job with integrity, respect and without ‘burning your bridges’.

  • Establishing an effective and sustainable work-life balance.

  • Personal growth and mentorship.

  • Support to review the year and make plans and goals for the year ahead.

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